About papu

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So far papu has created 97 blog entries.

The Burden of Cancer

The Burden of Cancer A cancer diagnosis inflicts a heavy burden – physically, emotionally and

The Burden of Cancer2021-10-30T13:26:34+00:00

Scrapping Most Favored Nation Model

Scrapping Most Favored Nation Model The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently announced that

Scrapping Most Favored Nation Model2021-08-13T15:42:45+00:00

The Cost of Delay is $93 Billion

The Cost of Delay is $93 Billion Not only do utilization management policies like step

The Cost of Delay is $93 Billion2021-08-06T22:15:03+00:00

“White Bagging” Delays Care

“White Bagging” Delays Care The experience of cancer patients in Indiana illustrates how the practice

“White Bagging” Delays Care2021-07-14T21:01:14+00:00
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